Bernhard Heiser Cambodia Pages
A superb
and exhaustive travelogue website on Cambodia: the photos are really beautiful
and very well scanned. A place to go to discover Cambodia...
www.asiaphoto.de/cambodia |
La Voie Royale
The complete
travelogue of the trip presented previously. In French. A special section
is dedicated to Angkor and its French colonial history.
voie.royale.free.fr |
Tales of Asia
Sharpless, an American living in Siem Reap, is a freelance writer and photographer.
He seeks to show the people and places in a different perspective
from that of the usual travel pages.
www.talesofasia.com |
Cambodia - Beauty and Darkness
of articles on the Khmer art and culture, travel information, resources.
The site provides information on the recent history of Cambodia,
particulary the Khmer Rouge period
www.mekong.net/cambodia |
Angkor, the Khmer temples
A virtual
visit of the temples of Angkor: Angkor Wat, Bayon, Ta Prohm, Banteay Srei,
Preah Khan and others (Beng Melea)
angkor.cambodia.free.fr |