Cambodia, 2004
Bernhard Heiser Cambodia Pages
A superb and exhaustive travelogue website on Cambodia: the photos are really beautiful and very well scanned. A place to go to discover Cambodia...
La Voie Royale
The complete travelogue of the trip presented previously. In French. A special section is dedicated to Angkor and its French colonial history.
Tales of Asia
Gordon Sharpless, an American living in Siem Reap, is a freelance writer and photographer. He seeks to show the people and places  in a different perspective from that of the usual travel pages.
Cambodia - Beauty and Darkness 
Collection of articles on the Khmer art and culture, travel information, resources. The site provides  information on the recent history of Cambodia, particulary the Khmer Rouge period
Angkor, the Khmer temples
A virtual visit of the temples of Angkor: Angkor Wat, Bayon, Ta Prohm, Banteay Srei, Preah Khan and others (Beng Melea)
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